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Jackie Arnold
Chemical Engineering
About Jackie:
New kitten owner and movie buff, Jackie Arnold, is a junior chemical engineering major from Charlestown, WV. She is passionate about research and hopes to contribute to humanity's knowledge and better future generations.
Under the guidance of Dr. Cerasela Zoica Dinu, Jackie is researching how to immobilize enzymes within small, synthetic environments in order to more effectively use them and the reactions they catalyze for new biological benefits. Her research will help the food and drink, textile, detergent, material production, and medical industries, but their main focus is on the medical industry where enzymes are used in biosensing, tissue engineering, wound healing, and cancer diagnosis and therapy.
Jackie likes to read research papers, cook and listen to music in her free time. Her favorite thing about WVU is that it is a place where "you can truly mold your experience into whatever it is that you want and dream of it to be." She enjoys the boundless school spirit here at WVU and her favorite spot on campus is the mountainlair.
After getting her undergraduate education, Jackie wants to continue her journey doing research at graduate school to get her Ph.D.