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New Students

The Office of Undergraduate Research welcomes you to our Mountaineer family!

The Office of Undergraduate Research connects undergraduate students to faculty members, programs, and research-related opportunities that are aligned with their interests in research or creative work/endeavors. 
Students in any major can begin research activities as early as the first semester of their freshman year through the Research Apprenticeship Program (RAP).
See what the Office of Undergraduate Research has to offer WVU students below!

undergraduate Research in any major

The Research Apprenticeship Program (RAP) pairs students with faculty research mentors in any field, starting as early as freshman year.

Grace Maley, a 2019-2020 RAP student in Dr. Candice Brown’s lab at the West Virginia University School of Medicine, performs an AP Activity Assay.

Health Sciences Research

Grace Maley is a biochemistry major and 2019-2020 RAP student in Dr. Candice Brown’s lab at the WVU School of Medicine. Grace's research involves using animal models to study ischemic stroke. Watch Grace's presentation at the 2020 WVU Spring Symposium.

2019-2020 RAP student Elizabeth Rockwell stands with Sergeant William Parks, drum major of the US Army Old Guard.

Arts Research

Elizabeth Rockwell, a music performance major and 2019-2020 RAP student working with Professor George Willis in the WVU School of Music, stands with Sergeant William Parks, drum major of the US Army Old Guard. Watch Elizabeth's presentation at the 2020 WVU Spring Symposium.

Jacob Loverde, a 2019-2020 RAP student, reviews a thesis titled “A Low-Power Optoelectronic Characterizer: LOCC and III-V Nitride Based LEDs.”

STEM Research

Jakob Loverde is a computer science major and 2019-2020 RAP student working with Dr. Jeremy Dawson in the Statler College of Engineering. Jakob researches low cost miniature satellites called CubeSats. Watch Jakob's presentation at the 2020 WVU Spring Symposium.

Learn more about RAP students' research in other fields!

research opportunities for beginners

 New to research? Express your interest in the Research Apprenticeship Program (RAP) here.

More about RAP

experienced researcher opportunities

Ready for a challenge?

The Summer Undergraduate Experience (SURE)

A summer undergraduate research experience that allows students interested in graduate school to continue their research in their discipline or related discipline through 8 weeks of summer. Students receive a competitive stipend for their full-time research efforts.  

More about SURE

Present your Research

The Office of Undergraduate Research hosts university-wide research symposia every semester to showcase undergraduate students' research and creative efforts. Students present their research in one of several offered categories in a variety of formats including poster presentations, oral presentations, performances, and art displays.

More about Undergraduate Symposia