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WVU Opportunities

Find Your Opportunity

Given below are a list of opportunities that take place at WVU and are available, on a competitive basis, to WVU and non-WVU students. Some opportunities have restrictions and are only open to non-WVU students (e.g., WV-INBRE Summer Program and Chemistry REU).


(Dependent upon eligibility criteria)

  • Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE)

    A summer undergraduate research experience that allows students interested in graduate school to continue their research in their discipline or related discipline through 8 weeks of summer. Students receive a competitive stipend for their full-time research efforts.

    More about SURE
  • Astrophysics REU

    A 10-week summer program for undergraduate student research, funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). WVU is proud to host an REU site focused on astrophysical research. Each student will be associated with a specific research project, where he/she will work closely with their faculty research mentor and other researchers. Students receive a $5,000 stipend, $300 in travel expenses, meals, and lodging.

    More about Astrophysics REU
  • Summer Undergraduate Vision Research Fellowship Program

    The West Virginia University Eye Institute will offer an undergraduate summer research fellowship opportunity beginning May 2021.
    The highly selective program will emphasize components of basic vision research with regards to ocular diseases and exploration of new diagnostic and treatment methods.

    More about Vision Research Fellowship

  • WVU Cancer Institute (WVUCI) Summer Research Fellowship Program

    The fellowship program provides funded (stipend and research supply funding to host lab) research opportunities for students interested in pursuing careers in cancer research.

    More about WVUCI
  • NASA WV Space Grant Consortium (WVSGC) Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program

    Provides state-level competitive funding for undergraduate students in STEM disciplines and enrolled in a WVSGC affiliate institutions to become involved in research under the supervision of faculty mentors.

    More about WVSGC

    WV-INBRE (IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence) hosts HSTA (Health Sciences Technology Academy) during the academic year. WVU/Marshall students fill out separate applications from other Primarily Undergraduate Institutions (PUIs)

    More about WV-INBRE HSTA
  • WVU Summer Program for Undergraduate Research in Biomedical Sciences (SPUR)

    This intensive 8-week summer research program provides the opportunity to actively engage in biomedical research and provide a comprehensive mentoring experience. Students with an interest in a career in biomedical sciences or as a physician-scientist are encouraged to apply. This program focuses on a desire to build diversity in the biomedical sciences. 

    Specialization in an MD/PhD Physician Scientist Pathway is also available.

    More about WVU SPUR
  • WVU REU in Plasma Physics

    The Center for KINETIC Plasma Physics is supporting a 10-week summer research experience for undergraduates (REU) program allowing students to explore the exciting field of plasma physics, the study of the “fourth state of matter” making up the stars, space, and fusion reactors.

    In this REU, students will work with in-house cutting-edge laboratory experiments, observations from NASA satellites, and simulation data from some of the nation’s most powerful supercomputers. Students will be associated with a specific research project, where they will work closely with their faculty research mentor and other researchers.

    More about REU in Plasma Physics

  • WVU REU in Applied Analysis

    This REU site supports 8 weeks of research in applied analysis and partial differential equations (PDEs). Research projects will focus on utilizing tools from analysis and PDEs to address practical issues arising from physics and materials science.

    The projects include: systems of conservation and balance laws with singular solutions, asymptotics for a basic cosmological model, and the director field model with electromagnetic waves. 

    More about REU in Applied Analysis

  • WVU REU in Undergraduate Robotics Research for Rural Appalachia

    This  NSF-Funded REU  site will promote STEM opportunities through robotics-related research, education, and outreach. Undergraduate students will work in small groups in one of five robotics research labs at WVU under the mentorship of a faculty and perform research in the areas of motion planning, localization, coordination, autonomy, and locomotion for challenging field applications. 

    The proposed research themes are tailored to problems associated with enabling the use of mobile robotics in rural environments that have challenging topography and/or are dense forested areas, typical to the Appalachian region. Participants will perform fundamental research leading to hands-on experimental demonstrations.  More about REU in Robotics Research for Rural Appalachia

for WVU Students only

  • Research Apprenticeship Program (RAP)

    Through RAP, undergraduate students with limited or no research experience engage in academic year research apprenticeships with WVU research faculty.

    More about RAP
  • Mountaineer Undergraduate Research Review (MURR)

    MURR advances opportunities for undergraduate researchers by providing an outlet for publishing scholarly and creative works while deepening their engagement within their field of study.

    More about MURR
  • Office of Undergraduate Research Ambassadors

    UGR Ambassadors are advanced undergraduate researchers and committed students that are passionate about increasing research opportunities for students in the WVU community.

    More about UGR Ambassadors
  • STEM Ambassadors

    WVU STEM Ambassadors act as science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) instructors and camp/cabin counselors during 4-H summer camps and events across the state of West Virginia.

    More about STEM Ambassadors
  • AGE-ADAR Scholars Program

    The Appalachian Gerontology Experiences: Advancing Diversity in Aging Research (AGE-ADAR) Scholars Program is a two-year paid summer program where students will take courses on aging and health disparities in Appalachia, as well as participate in intensive hands-on research. Students will take part in courses and workshops focusing on written and oral communication skills and professional development.

    More about AGE-ADAR 
  • CRC Sustainable Development Internships

    Each Spring the Center for Resilient Communities (CRC) recruits undergraduate student interns who work cooperatively to conduct community engaged research and deliver outcomes to our partners. These interns are enrolled in course credit and work directly with community partners, benefit from the mentorship of the CRC team and peers. 

    More about CRC Interns


  • WV-INBRE Summer Program

    WV-INBRE (Idea Network for Biomedical Research Excellence) is a consortium of higher education in West Virginia educating and training faculty and students in biomedical research for 9 weeks. WVU and Marshall students NOT eligible for the summer program.

    More about WV-INBRE Summer Program
  • Research in Behavioral Science REU

    REU Participants conduct laboratory research in behavior science with a focus on “bench science” in behavioral psychology and the translation of basic research to issues of social significance.

    More about Behavioral Science REU
  • Neuroscience Undergraduate Research Opportunity (N.U.R.O.)

    This 9 week internship opportunity offered by the Department of Neuroscience and Center for Foundational Neuroscience Research & Education at WVU offers research-intensive training to diverse, competitive undergraduate students who are currently enrolled at a US college or institution and have completed their second or third year. The opportunity includes a stipend of $4,000 plus a travel stipend up to $500, residence hall housing, and more. Applicants must be US Citizens or Permanent Residents and be members of an under-represented group in STEM with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Students should have a strong understanding in Biology, Neuroscience, Engineering, or Psychology.

    More about N.U.R.O.

Also Available:

Undergraduate Research 
Association (URA)

URA  works to develop relationships among students interested or involved in undergraduate research and to raise the profile of undergra duate research. Interested WVU students should consider attending a URA monthly meeting for more information.

Research or Intern Abroad

You might want to also consider doing research or an internship as part of a study abroad experience. Visit the WVU Study Abroad website for more information and to search for programs that meet your interests. 

Prestigious Research Scholarships or Fellowships 

Do you need help applying for prestigious scholarships or fellowships (e.g., Fulbright, Gilman, Goldwater)? Contact the WVU Aspire Office.


Health Related Careers

Are you interested in applying for health professional school (e.g., dental, veterinary, optometry, pharmacy, or allopathic/osteopathic medical)? Contact the Pre-Health Professional Development Office. 

WVU Pre-Health Office