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Kaley Vestal
About Kaley:
Theatre enthusiast Kaley Vestal is a senior English major from Rainelle, West Virginia. She started doing research in the spring of 2018 through the Research Apprenticeship Program here at WVU alongside Dr. Thomas Sura.
The goal of their research is to develop a user-friendly version of a note-taking method from the Renaissance era called the Commonplace Book, which was used to keep a record of large amounts of knowledge. They hope their development of modern day Commonplace Books will help first year students produce higher quality writing and positively influence their attitudes toward writing.
Kaley plans to continue doing research in rhetoric in graduate school after finishing her undergraduate education. She likes to read, cook, garden, dabble with makeup, and spend time with her boyfriend and their cat. Her favorite thing about WVU is the community here that makes her feel at home.