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Mitchell Barna
Civil Engineering
About Mitchell:
With the goal of positively impacting the lives of the people around him, senior civil engineering student and LSAMP recipient, Mitchell Barna, has spent the past summer as a part of SURE tracking patterns of transportation disadvantages.
SURE is the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience, an eight week, paid summer research experience held annually at WVU. Through SURE, Mitchell conducted research under the supervision of civil and environmental engineering professor, Dr. Dimitra Pyrialakou.
His project alongside Dr. Pyrialakou aims to find correlation between quality of life, carbon footprints, and transportation disadvantages as a part of a larger U.S. initiative. Mitchell found the most satisfaction connecting scientific literature to future project ideas.
When he was not running statistical data, he was likely hiking with his dog or learning about the arts of investing. After graduation, Mitchell intends to enter into the work force as a civil engineer to take time to prepare himself for his future M.D. Ph.D.