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Research Ambassadors


Minimum requirements to serve as an undergraduate research ambassador include:

  • 1 year of undergraduate research experience
  • Concurrent involvement in research at the time of ambassador appointment
  • Ability to attend meetings twice a month (biweekly) at pre-scheduled meeting times
  • Ability to complete 15 hours of service over the course of the semester
  • Maintain a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA at the time of serving
  • Strong interpersonal communication skills
  • Strong interest in advocating undergraduate research programming and promoting the positive aspects that the Office of Undergraduate Research offers

Additional research and leadership experiences will be taken into consideration when offering the role of an ambassador including:

  • Past enrollment in any research program or symposia (e.g., RAP, SURE, NIST SURF, REUs, URDC, POH, NCUR, WVU’s Undergraduate Spring Symposium, WVU’s Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium, travel-funded research, or other conference presentations)
  • Serving in a prior role with a demonstrated community impact on campus (e.g., serving in a student organization, serving as a resident assistant, extensive volunteering)
  • Proven commitment to expanding opportunities in undergraduate research

Opportunities to Serve

Ambassadors are asked to serve in several ways. Throughout the semester, opportunities might include:

  • Presenting undergraduate research opportunities to various student organizations
  • Tabling in the Lair or other spaces on campus for event promotions
  • Providing event support at the Undergraduate Spring Symposium
  • Recruiting at Decide WVU Days
  • Recruiting at WVU Junior Preview Days
  • Providing programmatic support to the RAP program

Student organizations interested in hosting ambassador presentations on undergraduate research opportunities as well as students interested in becoming UGR Ambassadors in future semesters should contact Dr. Cinthia Pacheco at for more information.

2024-25 UGR Ambassadors

  • Cooper Coursey

    Cooper Coursey

    Undergraduate Research Ambassador

    Major:  Biology

    Graduation Year: 2025
    Hometown: Erie, Pennsylvania
    Student Organization Involvement: Alpha Epsilon Delta (AED), Research Ambassador Program (UGR), National Biological Honors Society (TriBeta), Undergraduate Research Association (URA), Pre-Med Club, The Pride of West Virginia Mountaineer Marching Band (MMB)
    Interest and Hobbies: Playing Trumpet and French Horn, hiking, traveling, skiing, cooking, camping, birdwatching
    Fun Fact: I am licensed to fly a small aircraft.
    Research Area: My primary research is in environmental microbiology and nematology, where my lab generates novel techniques for microbial environments and manipulated pathways to understand the roles of individual environmentally occurring microorganisms' abilities to interact and disrupt the impact that nematodes ultimately hold. Nematophagous fungi are a versatile carnivorous group of organisms that specialize in trapping and digesting nematodes. Our main goal is to compare the interactions of nematodes against various isolates of nematophagous fungi, and evaluate the possibilities of these molecular interactions to treat surfacing contaminations and parasitic disorders. Our research has resulted in the modification of environmentally occurring processes of fungi associated in conjunction with nematodes. In the future, we hope to produce biological control outcomes against different types of roundworm isolates.

  •   Dena Lin photo

    Dena Lin

    Undergraduate Research Ambassador

    Majors Exercise Physiology

    Graduation Year: 2027
    Hometown: Queens, New York
    Student Organization Involvement: Student Athlete Tutor 
    Interest and Hobbies: Dancing, working out, baking, listening to music
    Fun Fact: I am a fraternal twin
    Research Area: My research area focuses on investigating the potential role of post-translational modification in regulating mitochondrial function in the aged liver. The specific mechanism that I look into for my project is called lysine acetylation, which is a post- translational modification shown to regulate mitochondrial proteins involved in various cellular pathways. I utilize this mechanism in my lab to look into how its regulation impacts liver mitochondrial proteins involved in gluconeogenesis.

  • Victoria Nist

    Victoria Nist

    Undergraduate Research Ambassador

    Major Animal Nutritional Sciences

    Graduation Year: 2025
    Hometown: Massillon, Ohio
    Student Organization Involvement: Office of Undergraduate Research (UGR) Ambassador, HONR 297 (RAP 1) TA, Mountaineer Undergraduate Research Review (MURR) STEM Section Editor, WVU Swim Club President, Davis-Michael Scholars Program Tutor
    Interest and Hobbies:  Swimming, boating, reading, cooking, and traveling
    Fun Fact: She is a published author for her work with Dr. Heather Chaney in the Division of Animal and Nutritional Sciences in the Davis College.
    Research Area: She currently conducts research in Reproductive Toxicology under Dr. Elizabeth Bowdridge in the Department of Physiology, Pharmacology, and Toxicology in the WVU School of Medicine through the SURE and Honors EXCEL programs. 

  • Hold for Bernardo headshot

    Bernardo Pereira

    Undergraduate Research Ambassador

    Major and Minor Neuroscience, Psychology

    Graduation Year: 2026
    Hometown: Belo Horizonte, Brazil 
    Student Organization Involvement
    Interest and Hobbies: Soccer, tennis, reading 
    Fun Fact: I can speak three languages fluently
    Research Area: I am a part of a Neuroscience lab that works on mice models of ischemic strokes to better understand post stroke cognitive and motor effects. More specifically I am currently exploring how a enzyme in the brain called TNAP is affecting the blood brain barrier, brain endothelial cells and elevated inflammation in ischemic strokes.
  • Caden Ginter headshot

    Caden Ginter

    Undergraduate Research Ambassador

    Majors  Computer Science, Physics

    Graduation Year: 2027
    Hometown: Carlisle, PA
    Student Organization Involvement: Secretary of the Society of Physics Students, Secretary of Quantum Technology Club, Undergraduate Research Ambassador
    Interest and Hobbies: Hiking and Coding
    Fun Fact: Was a fencer in High School
    Research Area: Computational Quantum Materials Science

  • Audrey Anderson pic

    Audrey Anderson

    Undergraduate Research Ambassador

    Majors  Biomedical Engineering

    Graduation Year: 2026
    Hometown: Harrisburg, VA
    Student Organization Involvement: Office of Undergraduate Research (UGR) Ambassador, MindFit Academic Coach, Student Athlete Tutor, Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES), Society of Women in Engineering (SWE)
    Interest and Hobbies: Running, volleyball, crocheting
    Fun Fact: I have run a marathon
    Research AreaI conduct research in the ophthalmology and visual sciences department.
  • Leonardo Peele pic

    Leonardo Peele

    Undergraduate Research Ambassador

    Majors  Computer Science

    Graduation Year: 2026
    Hometown: Rockville, Maryland
    Student Organization Involvement: Undergraduate Research Ambassador, Chess Club, Beekeeping Club, Intramural Sports, Soul Bilingue
    Interest and Hobbies: Soccer, Chess, Badminton, Camping
    Fun Fact: I can juggle
    Research Area:   I perform research in the Field and Aerial Robotics Lab in the WVU Statler College under Dr. Guilherme Pereira. In the past I have done research in formation control for drone teams and mining engineering practices. My current research involves website development for drone video and image processing.