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Agricultural & Environmental Sciences

Number Presenter College Major Faculty Research Mentor Presentation Title
54 Lee Shaw Davis College Wildlife and Fisheries Jim Anderson Can Pipeline Erosion Best Management Practices Cause Accidental Source Habitats for Amphibians? Abstract : Can Pipeline Erosion Best Management Practices Cause Accidental Source Habitats for Amphibians? | Presentation : Can Pipeline Erosion Best Management Practices Cause Accidental Source Habitats for Amphibians? | Supplemental Materials : Differences in Stepping Characteristics During the TUG Test with Aging and Neurodegenerative Disease
55 Lucas Kinder Davis College Environmental and Energy Resource Management Samuel Bearinger Assessment of sUAS Based NDVI for Pipeline Vegetation Monitoring Abstract : Assessment of sUAS Based NDVI for Pipeline Vegetation Monitoring | Presentation : Assessment of sUAS Based NDVI for Pipeline Vegetation Monitoring | Supplemental Materials : Differences in Stepping Characteristics During the TUG Test with Aging and Neurodegenerative Disease
56 Alexander Lawson Davis College Wildlife and Fisheries Resources Donald Brown The Effects of Land Use on Habitat Fragmentation in the Allegheny National Forest Abstract : The Effects of Land Use on Habitat Fragmentation in the Allegheny National Forest | Presentation : The Effects of Land Use on Habitat Fragmentation in the Allegheny National Forest | Supplemental Materials : Differences in Stepping Characteristics During the TUG Test with Aging and Neurodegenerative Disease
57 Lydia Peterson Davis College Horticulture Edward Brzostek Which fungal friend is the best to trees at nutrient highs and lows? Abstract : Which fungal friend is the best to trees at nutrient highs and lows? | Presentation : Which fungal friend is the best to trees at nutrient highs and lows? | Supplemental Materials : Differences in Stepping Characteristics During the TUG Test with Aging and Neurodegenerative Disease
58 Riley Pierce Davis College Forest Resources Management Gregory Dahle The Street Tree Diversity of Eleven Small Ohio Communities Abstract : The Street Tree Diversity of Eleven Small Ohio Communities | Presentation : The Street Tree Diversity of Eleven Small Ohio Communities | Supplemental Materials : Differences in Stepping Characteristics During the TUG Test with Aging and Neurodegenerative Disease
59 Abigail Paul Statler College Chemical Engineering Shawn Grushecky Recommendations for a New Water Treatment Facility based on Water Production Data Abstract : Recommendations for a New Water Treatment Facility based on Water Production Data | Presentation : Recommendations for a New Water Treatment Facility based on Water Production Data | Supplemental Materials : Differences in Stepping Characteristics During the TUG Test with Aging and Neurodegenerative Disease
60 Jonathan Morgan Davis College Horticulture Michael Gutensohn The Effect of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Terpene and Cannabinoid Levels in Industrial Hemp Abstract : The Effect of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Terpene and Cannabinoid Levels in Industrial Hemp | Presentation : The Effect of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Terpene and Cannabinoid Levels in Industrial Hemp | Supplemental Materials : Differences in Stepping Characteristics During the TUG Test with Aging and Neurodegenerative Disease
61 Ayden Bailey Eberly College Forensic Chemistry Kyle Hartman Understanding Microplastic Accumulation in Smallmouth Bass, Micropterus dolomieu, in the Monongahela River, WV Abstract : Understanding Microplastic Accumulation in Smallmouth Bass, Micropterus dolomieu, in the Monongahela River, WV | Presentation : Understanding Microplastic Accumulation in Smallmouth Bass, Micropterus dolomieu, in the Monongahela River, WV | Supplemental Materials : Differences in Stepping Characteristics During the TUG Test with Aging and Neurodegenerative Disease
62 Samantha Williams Davis College Environmental, Soil, and Water Sciences Jason Hubbart Analyzing Total Suspended Solids in the West Run Water Shed using method SM2540B Abstract : Analyzing Total Suspended Solids in the West Run Water Shed using method SM2540B | Presentation : Analyzing Total Suspended Solids in the West Run Water Shed using method SM2540B | Supplemental Materials : Differences in Stepping Characteristics During the TUG Test with Aging and Neurodegenerative Disease
63 Hannah Petronek Eberly & Davis Colleges Biochemistry Matthew Kasson Exploring Species Boundaries for Neonectria magnoliae Abstract : Exploring Species Boundaries for Neonectria magnoliae | Presentation : Exploring Species Boundaries for Neonectria magnoliae | Supplemental Materials : Differences in Stepping Characteristics During the TUG Test with Aging and Neurodegenerative Disease
64 Michael Fiala Davis College Environmental Microbiology Paul Kinder Monitoring Revegetation with NDVI and Associated Soil Composition and Microbial Biomass and Activity Abstract : Monitoring Revegetation with NDVI and Associated Soil Composition and Microbial Biomass and Activity | Presentation : Monitoring Revegetation with NDVI and Associated Soil Composition and Microbial Biomass and Activity | Supplemental Materials : Differences in Stepping Characteristics During the TUG Test with Aging and Neurodegenerative Disease
65 Teagan Kuzniar Davis College Environmental Microbiology Ember Morrissey Assessing the Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing on Stream Health using Algal Diversity in Biofilms Abstract : Assessing the Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing on Stream Health using Algal Diversity in Biofilms | Presentation : Assessing the Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing on Stream Health using Algal Diversity in Biofilms | Supplemental Materials : Differences in Stepping Characteristics During the TUG Test with Aging and Neurodegenerative Disease
66 Daniel Rubianto Davis College Wildlife and Fisheries Resources Christopher Rota Difference in the Number of Passerine Complex Songs Between a Rural and Urban Site Abstract : Difference in the Number of Passerine Complex Songs Between a Rural and Urban Site | Presentation : Difference in the Number of Passerine Complex Songs Between a Rural and Urban Site | Supplemental Materials : Differences in Stepping Characteristics During the TUG Test with Aging and Neurodegenerative Disease
67 Nicholas Summerlin Davis College Wildlife and Fisheries Resources/Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Resources Christopher Rota Body Condition Index of Birds Across Two Sites in Northern West Virginia Abstract : Body Condition Index of Birds Across Two Sites in Northern West Virginia | Presentation : Body Condition Index of Birds Across Two Sites in Northern West Virginia | Supplemental Materials : Differences in Stepping Characteristics During the TUG Test with Aging and Neurodegenerative Disease
68 Jisu Kim Davis College Wildlife and Fisheries Resources Christopher Rota Population Change of White-throated Sparrows (Zonotrichia Albicollis) in West Virginia During Winter season Abstract : Population Change of White-throated Sparrows (Zonotrichia Albicollis) in West Virginia During Winter season | Presentation : Population Change of White-throated Sparrows (Zonotrichia Albicollis) in West Virginia During Winter season | Supplemental Materials : Differences in Stepping Characteristics During the TUG Test with Aging and Neurodegenerative Disease
69 Ian Perkins Davis College Wildlife and Fisheries Resources Christopher Rota The Presence of Domestic Cats Near Bird Populations in Urban and Non-Urban Settings Abstract : The Presence of Domestic Cats Near Bird Populations in Urban and Non-Urban Settings | Presentation : The Presence of Domestic Cats Near Bird Populations in Urban and Non-Urban Settings | Supplemental Materials : Differences in Stepping Characteristics During the TUG Test with Aging and Neurodegenerative Disease
70 Maighan Bailey Health Sciences Center Immunology and Medical Microbiology Jianbo Yao Expression of OOSNCR1 and OOSNCR5 Within Bovine Tissue Cells Abstract : Expression of OOSNCR1 and OOSNCR5 Within Bovine Tissue Cells | Presentation : Expression of OOSNCR1 and OOSNCR5 Within Bovine Tissue Cells | Supplemental Materials : Differences in Stepping Characteristics During the TUG Test with Aging and Neurodegenerative Disease