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Renewable Energy Data Mapping and Integration for the PJM Region
Ashley B. McCullough*, Selorme K. Agbleze, and Fernando V. Lima
Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, West Virginia University, Morgantown,
WV 26506-6102
Presentation No.: 61
Assigned Category (Presentation Format): Engineering (Poster Presentations)
Student’s Major: Chemical Engineering
The PJM regional transmission organization oversees the movement of electricity to utilities throughout the Eastern US. The growing emergence of alternative energy sectors requires location- specific weather and geological data to be studied in the optimization of these energy systems, which is necessary in the greater response to global environmental issues. The goal of this research is to propose further integration of renewable resources in the Eastern US based on predicted fluctuations in weather patterns throughout the day, with interest in increasing renewable resource use in the region. To reach this goal, PJM data for load, wind generation and forecast, and solar generation and forecast was accessed through web application programming interface calls. The data was then written to OSI PI through server connections using the PI-SDK Library, where it can be mapped and studied on a single trend. Continued research will aim to analyze these resources on their power generation and feasibility. Limitations to this project include the withholding of utilities’ locational information due to potential security issues surrounding renewable energy in the US.
Program/mechanism supporting research/creative efforts: WVU's SURE program (Rita Rio & Michelle Richards-Babb)