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The Effectiveness of Art therapy Interventions in Cancer Center Institutes

Joanna Rose Jacinto*, Monika Holbein (1) and Annie McFarland (2)

(1) WVU Cancer Institute Research Programs, WVU Cancer Institute, Morgantown, WV 26505 

(2) Department of Art Education, WVU School of Art and Design, Morgantown, WV 20505

Presentation Category: Behavioral & Social Sciences (Poster Presentation #79)

Student’s Major: Art Education

With the constant battle of cancer patients for their lives, their physical and mental well-being suffer the consequences of the effects on their journey. Cancer often causes severe pain and discomfort in patients and their families; therefore, providing therapeutic support must be considered for their needs. Administering therapeutic interventions can aid by minimizing emotional and psychological hardships and possibly improve health outcomes. Art therapy is used to improve cognitive and sensory-motor functions, foster self-esteem, and self-awareness, cultivate emotionally; resilience, promote insight, enhance social skills, reduce and resolve conflicts and distress, and advance societal and ecological change (About Art Therapy, 2017). Statistically significant and positive correlations have concluded between reductions of cancer symptoms and side effects after exposure to art therapy treatments (Nainis et al., 2006). In this study, a quasi-experimental, pre-posttest, and non-equivalent group design has been utilized to measure patient distress levels before and after participation in art therapy activities at the WVU Cancer Institute. The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Distress Thermometer tool will provide quantitative data on patient distress levels before and after art therapy activity. This unique method will help obtain an understanding of the effectiveness of art therapy treatments within the WVU Cancer Institute.

Funding: Benedum Grant

Program/mechanism supporting research/creative efforts: WVU's Research Apprenticeship Program (RAP) & accompanying HONR 297-level course, WVU Federal Work Study