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2019 NIST SURF Internal Interest Form Open

The 2019 NIST SURF  internal interest form is now open for WVU and WVU Tech students who would like to submit an application for the summer 2019 NIST SURF programs in Gaithersburg, MD or in Boulder, CO. 

Last year, WVU had 5 of 11 students accepted to NIST SURF programs where they researched for 11-weeks, full-time with a NIST researcher and earned $500 per week. 

Read on: 2019 NIST SURF Internal Interest Form Open Full Article: 2019 NIST SURF Internal Interest Form Open

Upcoming Graduate Fellowship and Postdoc Positions

The application deadlines for graduate fellowships are fast approaching! The early fall deadlines sometimes catch students off guard -- I'm hoping you will be able to share our information with any undergraduates considering graduate school, as well as any current graduate students in STEM.


Read on: Upcoming Graduate Fellowship and Postdoc Positions Full Article: Upcoming Graduate Fellowship and Postdoc Positions

AmeriCorps Positions at NASA to Bring Robotics to All Students in WV

Competitive robotics is sweeping across our state!  Last year over 500 teams competed in 12 unique programs, impacting more than 5,000 West Virginia students.  But, some students are still being left behind.  As of today, there are 19 counties with no robotics teams, and now you have a chance to make a real difference in the lives of our children! 

The AmeriCorps Program, High Rocks Educational Corporation, Robotics Education and Competition Foundation, Fairmont State University, and NASA’s IV&V Program have partnered together to bring competitive robotics programs to every county in West Virginia. 
If you are motivated to help students, educators, and our state while having fun, then please consider applying for one of our two full-time positions.  Through AmeriCorps, you will volunteer for one year to work with the NASA IV&V Educator Resource Center to recruit and train new teams, conduct scrimmages and tournaments, and help build a pipeline for students to turn their passion for robotics into a career path. 

Read on: AmeriCorps Positions at NASA to Bring Robotics to All Students in WV Full Article: AmeriCorps Positions at NASA to Bring Robotics to All Students in WV

Travel Award to the National Society of Toxicology Meeting

The Society of Toxicology is offering a travel award to bright undergraduate researchers who are performing research in the broad field of toxicology.  The competitive needs-based award is to offset costs of attending the national SOT meeting in March; this year in Baltimore MD. Students are to apply to the Regional Chapter first where they are screened and chosen to compete in the national competition. 

Registration for the 58th Annual Society of Toxicology and ToxExpo is open now and interested parties can visit  the Society of Toxicology website for registration details

Read on: Travel Award to the National Society of Toxicology Meeting Full Article: Travel Award to the National Society of Toxicology Meeting

Undergraduate Student Research Fellowship - NASA WV Space Grant Consortium

Applications are now open for the 2018-19 NASA West Virginia Space Grant Consortium’s Undergraduate Student Fellowships. At the Eberly College of Arts and Sciences, up to 10 students who desire a career in STEM can get $1,000 to pursue a faculty-advised research project. More details and the application

Please note: students must be U.S. citizens, have a GPA 3.0 or better and must have a faculty member willing to serve as their research advisor. Female and minority students are strongly encouraged to apply.

Read on: Undergraduate Student Research Fellowship - NASA WV Space Grant Consortium Full Article: Undergraduate Student Research Fellowship - NASA WV Space Grant Consortium