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Researcher Needed - Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Researcher Needed!

 Posted on Jan 30, 2020: Dr. Sunil Sharma is looking for a motivated student who is interested in learning more about improving care for West Virginians who have limited access to health care. Sleep disordered breathing (SDB) is a highly prevalent condition with fatal cardio-pulmonary implications. Though early recognition and treatment of SDB can avert heart failure, it is an under-recognized and under-diagnosed condition. Our novel hospital sleep medicine program provides cost effective early screening, diagnosis and intervention of SDB in hospitalized patients. The goal of this study is to evaluate the program’s effectiveness. We are interested in (i) the impact of early interventions on SDB in patients hospitalized for COPD exacerbation and (ii) screening of acute stroke patients with high resolution pulse-oximetry for undetected SDB.

Read on: Researcher Needed - Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine Full Article: Researcher Needed - Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Pittsburgh Undergraduate Research Diversity Program Accepting Applications

The Pittsburgh Undergraduate Research Diversity Program (PURDiP) is now open to minority (African American, Hispanic/Latino American, or Native American) undergraduate students interested in biomedical research. 

The 10-week summer program is held on the University of Pittsburgh's Oakland campus. Students will work with a designated faculty member for 8-10 weeks. Training will incorporate didactic lectures, seminars, workshops, group homework, hands-on research and presentations by the trainees.

Read on: Pittsburgh Undergraduate Research Diversity Program Accepting Applications Full Article: Pittsburgh Undergraduate Research Diversity Program Accepting Applications

Forty-Seven West Virginia University students to take part in Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol

Forty-seven WVU students have been invited to participate the seventeenth annual Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol (URDC) in Charleston, West Virginia on Friday, February 7.

Students representing eleven institutions will present their research from 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. in the Capitol Rotunda.  In all, over 95 students will participate.

Read on: Forty-Seven West Virginia University students to take part in Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol Full Article: Forty-Seven West Virginia University students to take part in Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol

National Institute on Aging Summer Internship Programs

The NIA Summer Internship Program, with over 25 years of history, offers unique opportunities for high school, college, graduate, and medical students, to develop skills in scientific research. In this program, based in Baltimore, Maryland, students receive hands-on research experience.  

Undergraduates, grad and med students (applications due March 1). High school students (application due February 1)

Read on: National Institute on Aging Summer Internship Programs Full Article: National Institute on Aging Summer Internship Programs

Apply to B.I.G. SUMMER 2020 at UCLA Institute for Quantitative & Computational Biosciences

This 8-week program (June 22 - August 14, 2020) combines workshops in big data analysis with research experiences in diverse areas of quantitative and computational biosciences. Supported by grants from NSF, NIH, and the University of California. 


Read on: Apply to B.I.G. SUMMER 2020 at UCLA Institute for Quantitative & Computational Biosciences Full Article: Apply to B.I.G. SUMMER 2020 at UCLA Institute for Quantitative & Computational Biosciences

Summer Research Internship for Minority Students (SRIMS) Marshall University

Sydney Jamison and Kia Smith, SRIMS 2019

Marshall University Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine (MU JCESOM) Graduate Program is offering the Summer Research Internship for Minority Students (SRIMS) for its 12th year!

Read on: Summer Research Internship for Minority Students (SRIMS) Marshall University Full Article: Summer Research Internship for Minority Students (SRIMS) Marshall University

ICompBio: Research Experience for Undergraduates in Interdisciplinary Computational Biology The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

The 10-week iCompBio REU focuses on interdisciplinary computational biology training to undergraduates in science, technology, engineering, math, and other related fields. Please look through the potential research projects and then choose your preferences of the potential research topics.

A one-week computing bootcamp will be provided to teach students essential data science using R, and advanced data processing and deep learning methods using Python. Each student will be jointly mentored by a computer science mentor and a biology mentor. The computing training includes coding, modeling, simulation, deep learning neural networks, computer vision, parallel computing, statistics, data visualization, and mobile App development.

Read on: ICompBio: Research Experience for Undergraduates in Interdisciplinary Computational Biology The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Full Article: ICompBio: Research Experience for Undergraduates in Interdisciplinary Computational Biology The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

Abstract Submissions Open - WVU's Undergraduate Spring Symposium

Undergraduates from all majors are invited to submit abstracts for presentation of scholarly works at the Fourth Annual Undergraduate Spring Symposium on April 3-4 at WVU. Projects presented on April 3 will be oral, visual arts and performing arts presentations. Projects presented on April 4 will be poster presentations. Abstracts (160-250 words) are due by before 11:59 p.m. March 4, 2020. Presentations will be judged and monetary prizes awarded.

Read on: Abstract Submissions Open - WVU's Undergraduate Spring Symposium Full Article: Abstract Submissions Open - WVU's Undergraduate Spring Symposium

2020 Faculty Award for Mentoring Undergraduates in Research - Nominations Open

Nominations for the Faculty Award for Distinction in Mentoring Undergraduates in Research are now open and will be accepted through Feb. 14, 2020. Nomination of a faculty member from several sources (e.g., multiple students, faculty colleagues or a combination thereof) tend to enhance the nomination. Outstanding nominees will be invited to submit supporting documentation. Awards will be announced publicly in spring and awardees will receive funding to further support undergraduates in research.

More information? See

Read on: 2020 Faculty Award for Mentoring Undergraduates in Research - Nominations Open Full Article: 2020 Faculty Award for Mentoring Undergraduates in Research - Nominations Open

2020 Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE)

Undergraduates are encouraged to apply to engage in scholarly activity (research/creative work) via the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) program. Applications are now open (March 2 application deadline). SURE is a PAID undergraduate research experience for students interested in GRADUATE SCHOOL and research/creative work within their discipline or a related discipline. 2020 SURE program dates are May 26-July 24, 2020.

More information and link to applications? and see

Read on: 2020 Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) Full Article: 2020 Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE)