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WVU Social Action Showcase and Challenge

WVU Social Action Showcase and Challenge

The Center for Service and Learning is hosting a Social Action Showcase and Challenge in partnership with WVU’s IDEA Hub Demo Day at the Coliseum on April 24th. The goal of this event is to give students the opportunity to present and be recognized for their work and ideas that have an impact on the community.

Students can pick one of two categories: 

Social Action Showcase Poster Competition: 4/24 from 10am-12pm 

Deadline is March 31.  Prizes:1st ($300) 2nd ($100), and 3rd ($75) prizes will be awarded in WVU Bookstore gift cards


Social Action Challenge Pitch Competition:  4/24 1pm-3pm

Deadline is April 3rd.   The winner of the challenge will be awarded $500 worth of support to use toward your social action project.