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Project Green Challenge

Project Green Challenge

Turning Green is inviting students globally to participate in our 10th Annual fall global initiative Project Green Challenge (PGC), a month-long competition each October (from Oct 1-30) that engages tens of thousands of high school and college students around the globe to partake in simple, relevant, high- impact sustainability themed challenges. The topics range from justice to energy, food to biodiversity, fair trade to waste and more. Students see first hand the impact of individual change and collective action to benefit both human health and our planet. Students can both participate and also work in a leadership capacity with our Turning Green team as Campus Reps.

There are a couple of states that are not yet participating this year, West Virginia is one. We would welcome support and participation from your students and would love your help spreading the word and engaging your students to become powerful agents of change.

Prize packages are awarded daily for outstanding submissions. The challenge culminates with a 3-day PGC Finals summit in the San Francisco Bay Area for up to 16 outstanding finalists who gain invaluable knowledge, demonstrate depth of engagement and go on to lead climate action projects. (finals will be held virtually in November and we hope in person in April 2021 pending Covid protocols). There is also a $5000 Green Award for the first place winner to complete a Climate Action Project and additional prizes for 2nd and 3rd place who are able to take action on their Climate Action Projects.  

Please share this information with students, student orgs, faculty in environmental science, sustainability, multi-cultural studies, wellness, etc. on your campus.  

We look forward to your participation. Students can sign up at