On behalf of Katherine Johnson NASA IV&V Facility
The NASA IV&V Program’s annual summer internship program vacancies are now posted for student access at https://intern.nasa.gov. We are planning to onboard 5 college level and 5 high school level interns this coming summer in Fairmont, WV. This program will begin on May 30 and conclude on August 5 for college level internships and June 13 through August 5 for high school level internships.
Please note, these positions will be held virtually for the duration of the internship unless otherwise informed.
The following positions are currently available for your consideration. The deadline to apply is March 4, 2022.
5 college level projects – for 5 students
- Evaluating Methods for Verification of Non-Deterministic Algorithms - https://nasacentral.force.com/s/course-offering/a0Bt0000004lKd6/
- NASA IV&V ERC Fab Lab Manager & SPACE Camp Summer - https://nasacentral.force.com/s/course-offering/a0Bt0000004lJTT/
- Hardware Emulation - https://nasacentral.force.com/s/course-offering/a0Bt0000004lKLb/
- Solar Energy Solutions - https://nasacentral.force.com/s/course-offering/a0Bt0000004lKLR/
- Optimizing test coverage of high dependability software systems - https://nasacentral.force.com/s/course-offering/a0Bt0000004lKLg/
2 high school level projects – for 5 students
- SLS/Orion Graphical Demonstration via Gaming Platforms - https://nasacentral.force.com/s/course-offering/a0Bt0000004lKdB/
- Software Code Coverage - https://nasacentral.force.com/s/course-offering/a0Bt0000004lKLW/