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Researcher Needed: Weil Lab

Researchers Needed: The Weil lab is seeking 1-2 undergraduate researchers to assist in our work on the lifelong consequences of traumatic brain injuries. There are two lines of research in our lab that students can become involved with.

1) Energetic dysfunction in the brain following traumatic brain injury. This project investigates how brain injuries can impair the brain’s ability to process and utilize energy and how this can make the brain more vulnerable to other kinds of injuries, like repeated brain injuries, later on. 

2) Alcohol abuse after traumatic brain injury. Traumatic brain injuries early in life can increase the likelihood of developing alcohol abuse issues later on in life. Our lab is interested in trying to understand how a brain injury can lead to increases in drinking behavior. 

Read on: Researcher Needed: Weil Lab Full Article: Researcher Needed: Weil Lab

Researchers Needed for Dr. Kovinich's Lab

Posted on Jan. 7, 2019: 

All studies involve genetic, biochemical, and transgenic techniques including isolating genes by PCR, overexpressing or RNAi silencing gene expressions in plants, and investigating the effects on gene expressions and metabolite levels. Some specific projects may involve culturing transgenic yeasts for determining protein-protein interactions (yeast two-hybrid) or for analyzing transporter substrate specificities. 

Read on: Researchers Needed for Dr. Kovinich's Lab Full Article: Researchers Needed for Dr. Kovinich's Lab

Upcoming Graduate Fellowship and Postdoc Positions

The application deadlines for graduate fellowships are fast approaching! The early fall deadlines sometimes catch students off guard -- I'm hoping you will be able to share our information with any undergraduates considering graduate school, as well as any current graduate students in STEM.


Read on: Upcoming Graduate Fellowship and Postdoc Positions Full Article: Upcoming Graduate Fellowship and Postdoc Positions