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Posters on the Hill 2022 abstract submission process is open!

CUR encourages and invites all students to submit their research abstract submissions today! The deadline to submit is December 13, 2021, at 11:59 PM ET. Students should complete this submission, NOT a faculty advisor. Abstract submissions should describe your research, scholarship, or creative activity, and discuss its significance to society. CUR recommends that you complete the information required for submission prior to starting this application. 

Please note that CUR membership is required in order to submit an abstract. The membership requirement can be fulfilled in any of the following ways: 

Posters on the Hill is a critical element in CUR's advocacy efforts. It is more important than ever that the voice of undergraduate researchers and their mentors are heard on Capitol Hill. This prestigious event celebrates the impressive work of the accepted students and supports the messages of the importance of undergraduate research at the federal level. 

Posters on the Hill 2022 will take place virtually. In January 2022, the dates for Posters on the Hill will be announced once the congressional agenda is released. More specific details on the event will be released in the coming months. Please note the outlined deadlines below:

Read on: Posters on the Hill 2022 abstract submission process is open! Full Article: Posters on the Hill 2022 abstract submission process is open!

Johns Hopkins Macksey Symposium Applications Open

The Johns Hopkins University's Richard Macksey National Undergraduate Humanities Research Symposium was designed to offer students across the country the chance to gather together and disseminate their humanities and interdisciplinary research on a national scale. The third annual Richard Macksey National Undergraduate Humanities Research Symposium will be held virtually on April 8-10, 2022.  

The 2022 Macksey Symposium will feature the following:

Read on: Johns Hopkins Macksey Symposium Applications Open Full Article: Johns Hopkins Macksey Symposium Applications Open

NOAA Hollings Scholarship Applications Open

The Hollings Scholarship Program provides successful undergraduate applicants with awards that include academic assistance (up to $9,500 per year) for two years of full-time study and a 10-week, full-time paid ($700/week) internship at a NOAA facility during the summer.

The internship between the first and second years of the award provides the scholars with hands-on, practical experience in NOAA-related science, research, technology, policy, management, and education activities. Awards also include travel funds to attend a mandatory NOAA Scholarship Program orientation and the annual Science & Education Symposium, scientific conferences where students present their research, and a housing subsidy for scholars who do not reside at home during the summer internship.

Read on: NOAA Hollings Scholarship Applications Open Full Article: NOAA Hollings Scholarship Applications Open

National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) Abstracts Submission Open

Attention! The WVU Office of Undergraduate is supporting the conference registration of the first ten students accepted to present at NCUR 2022.

General abstract submissions are due November 29th, 2021.

Read on: National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) Abstracts Submission Open Full Article: National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) Abstracts Submission Open

Psychology Research and Travel Funding Awards

The Council of Undergraduate Research, Psychology Division is offering a limited number of research (e.g., supplies or expenses) or presentation (travel/conference registration) awards for undergraduate students conducting original psychological research (up to $400 per project). 

Please note that while multiple applications from the same lab/mentor will be accepted, we will typically only fund one per lab/mentor in an application year.  Additional funding per lab may vary based on total overall number of applications for the year.

Read on: Psychology Research and Travel Funding Awards Full Article: Psychology Research and Travel Funding Awards

WVU AGE-ADAR Scholars Program 2022 Summer Applications Open

The WVU AGE-ADAR Scholars Program is recruiting for the 2022 Summer Research Internship. This program is funded by the National Institute on Aging giving hands-on research experience to underrepresented MSTEM students (rising sophomores and juniors by the end of spring 2022) who are interested in aging research or health disparities in Appalachia. 

Read on: WVU AGE-ADAR Scholars Program 2022 Summer Applications Open Full Article: WVU AGE-ADAR Scholars Program 2022 Summer Applications Open

Researcher Needed: Mindfulness and Second Language Proficiency

Dr. William Morgan's lab is seeking an undergraduate researcher for assistant on a project investigating the impact of mindfulness on second language proficiency. This position is currently volunteer, though there are opportunities for funding in the future.

Read on: Researcher Needed: Mindfulness and Second Language Proficiency Full Article: Researcher Needed: Mindfulness and Second Language Proficiency