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*Applications reviewed on a rolling basis.
Posted on July 2, 2021: Dr. Brandon Choi’s research lab is looking for 2-3 highly motivated undergraduate students to join our research group in the fall of 2021. The Choi lab studies how protein conformations are affected by devastating neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and Huntington’s. We use the cutting-edge single-molecule microscopy technique called smFRET (single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer) to identify and characterize the dynamic structures and protein-protein interactions of various proteins such as alpha-synuclein, amyloid beta, HTT, and SNAREs.
Read on: Researcher Needed: Choi Lab Full Article: Researcher Needed: Choi Lab
The 13th Annual Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium is expected to open at 11:00 am (EST) on Thursday, July 29, 2021. We will have over 40 undergraduate researchers in a variety of disciplines presenting (posters and oral) and explaining their research and creative work. The symposium will be judged, and winning presentations from each category will be announced on Friday, July 30 before 4 pm (EST).
The student-led undergraduate research journal, Mountaineer Undergraduate Research Review (MURR),Volume 6, Issue 1, is published and now accessible on the Research Repository @ WVU (
The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) is presenting several research opportunities in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Defense. All ORISE opportunities provide a competitive stipend.
Are your students looking for an opportunity to present their research at an international, multidisciplinary conference? Invite them to submit an abstract for the 2021 Sigma Xi Student Research Conference, taking place November 4–7 in conjunction with the Sigma Xi Annual Meeting in Niagara Falls, New York.
Students are invited to submit abstracts for both oral and poster presentations across all research disciplines. The conference includes awards for top presenters as well as networking opportunities with peers and STEM professionals.
FBI Critical Incident Response Group (CIRG) Research Opportunity
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Dr. Teiya Kijimoto’s lab is looking for two to three highly motivated undergraduate students during summer 2021 (and potentially extended to following semesters).
The lab studies:
Read on: Researchers Needed - Kijimoto Lab Full Article: Researchers Needed - Kijimoto Lab