Congratulations to the category winners and runners-up from West Virginia University's 8th Spring Undergraduate Research Symposium held on Saturday, April 20, 2024. Thank you to all of our presenters for sharing your research and scholarship from this past spring semester!
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2023 Fall Undergraduate Research Symposium: Winners and Runners-Up
Congratulations to the category winners and runners-up from WVU's 6th Fall Undergraduate Research Symposium held on Saturday, December 2, 2023. Thank you to all of our presenters for sharing your research and scholarship from this past fall semester!
2023 Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium - Winners and Runners-Up
Congratulations to the category winners and runners-up from WVU's 16th Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium held on Thursday, July 27, 2023. Thank you to all of our presenters for sharing your research and scholarship from this past summer!
2023 Spring Symposium Winners
Congratulations to the category winners and runners-up from WVU's 7th annual Spring Undergraduate Research Symposium. Thank you to all of our presenters for joining us in celebrating another year of undergraduate research at WVU.
Read on: 2023 Spring Symposium Winners Full Article: 2023 Spring Symposium Winners
WVU Student Researchers Present at 2023 URDC
Seventy-two West Virginia University students representing the Morgantown and Beckley campuses have been invited to participate in Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol from 8:30 to 11 a.m. on Friday, Feb. 10, in Charleston.
Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol provides students the opportunity to present their original scholarly works during a poster session and to talk with legislators about their findings. Nearly 120 student researchers from nine institutions will present in the areas of creative arts, education, health sciences, the humanities, STEM and social and behavioral sciences.
2022 Fall Undergraduate Research Symposium-Winners and Runners-Up
On Saturday, December 3, the Office of Undergraduate Research hosted our Fifth Annual Fall Undergraduate Research Symposium in the Mountainlair on the WVU Downtown Campus. A huge congratulations to our category winners and runners-up below, and an enormous thanks to all our presenters, mentors, judges, and attendees who made this symposium such a success!
Student Applications Open for 2023 SURE Program
Undergraduates are encouraged to apply to engage in scholarly activity (research/creative work) via the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) program.
The deadline for students to submit an application is March 1, 2023, 11:59pm.
University of Missouri Summer Research Programs
The University of Missouri is hosting Summer Undergraduate Research Programs.
Students live in on-campus air-conditioned housing (double rooms), and receive a meal plan paid by the program. Many programs provide one credit hour of research, travel to and from Columbia, and stipends range from $3,400 – $5,400.
SURE Faculty Mentors Needed — Applications Due February
Faculty are encouraged to apply to mentor undergraduates in scholarly activity via the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) program and inform their undergraduates that SURE applications are now open. The deadline to submit a faculty application is February 17.
SURE is a paid undergraduate research experience for students interested in graduate school and research/creative work within their discipline or a related discipline. 2023 SURE program dates are May 30-July 28.
2023 DOE Scholars Program – Accepting Applications
The DOE Scholars Program introduces students and recent college graduates to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) mission and operations.
The DOE Scholars Program is designed to attract talented undergraduate and graduate students, and recent graduates to research, technical and professional opportunities within U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and organizations that support the DOE mission.