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2019 NIST SURF Internal Interest Form Open

2019 NIST SURF Internal Interest Form Open

The 2019 NIST SURF  internal interest form is now open for WVU and WVU Tech students who would like to submit an application for the summer 2019 NIST SURF programs in Gaithersburg, MD or in Boulder, CO. 

Last year, WVU had 5 of 11 students accepted to NIST SURF programs where they researched for 11-weeks, full-time with a NIST researcher and earned $500 per week. 

More information?  National Institute of Standards and Technology Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (NIST-SURF; Students must be nominated by their home institution. If interested in the 2019 NIST SURF program, complete the  internal interest form by Dec. 14, 2018. Applications due to Office of Undergraduate Research on Jan. 11, 2019. 

See information on WVU's  20182017 and  2016 NIST SURF participants.)