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Call for UReCA Student Editor Applications

Call for UReCA Student Editor Applications

UReCA strives to further the exchange of scientific and creative work between undergraduate students by providing a platform where students can contribute to their academic community. Here is a link to the site:

We are looking to recruit new Associate Editors with diverse academic backgrounds from universities across the United States. Associate Editors are responsible for the selection of creative work and research articles that will appear on the website. Additionally, Associate Editors provide feedback and revision suggestions to authors of the selected pieces. In order to apply, students must be pursuing their undergraduate degrees and be enrolled in an honors program or college that is a member of NCHC.

The selection of editors for UReCA is a competitive process. Applications should consist of the following:

  • Resume (please only include academic activities or relevant work experience)
  • Statement of interest (single page)
  • A letter of approval from your Honors Director committing to send you to the NCHC conference.

Honors directors must commit to providing travel and lodging to the annual NCHC conference during the fall semester where the UReCA team meets and presents the newly-published journal. Honors directors should also confirm that students are in good academic standing with their program. This is not a full letter of recommendation but rather a letter of affirmation and support. The letter can be uploaded by the student through Submittable or emailed by the faculty member to

Selected editors will serve for one academic year and will be allowed to reapply for the next cycle.

The deadline for application is March 15, 2023. All applications will be handled through our submissions manager: Please direct any questions to our Editor-in-Chief at